Irish National Heritage Park
Cranebag Consulting approached Ecoplastic with a unique and challenging task. As part of the multi–million pound development of one of Ireland’s most popular tourist attractions, the park had been looking at ways to open up access to an almost impassable swamp–woodland to visitors.
The focus of the park is to allow visitors to experience what Ireland was like during a range of eras, from the early Stone age up to the Norman invasions in the 12th Century. “The woodland area we hoped to develop would give visitors an impression of what Ireland would have been like when the first humans arrived here over 9000 years ago” explained Cranebag engineer Ronan O’Flaherty. “But the waterlogged conditions made use of conventional materials impossible and, in any case, we wanted to avoid the use of preservatives in such a sensitive natural environment.”
“Ecoplastic provided the solution” Ronan continued. “An eco–sustainable product, inert, non–degrading, non–slip and one which very much “fitted in” with a very special landscape.”
The unique environment was the least of the challenges for the project, but working together with Ecoplastic’s support team, the project has been a rousing success. “We found Ecoplastic extremely good to deal with as a company.” said Ronan “They were flexible, supportive and responsive to our needs as a client.”
“At just over 160m long, supported on 1.8m long Ecoplastic piles driven deep into the sediment, this was a major undertaking for the park” he continued. “But it’s become a real asset, allowing visitor access to an environment they could never hope to see otherwise.”